Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Anti- Barbie: The Hidden Dolls

Have you ever walked down the Barbie toy isle and notice how similar the dolls look? White Barbies with physical traits such as long blond hair, blue eyes, and stereotypical clothing seem to dominate the Barbie world. In turn, we have decided to make our own, but Mattel would probably never approve of the Barbies we have created.

Barbie is available in several different career options, but most of the dolls are found in very stereotypical fashion. We were only able to find one Professor Barbie; meanwhile she is a “Fashion Professor Barbie.”

We are introducing “English College Professor Barbie.” She has more than just an up-to-date fashion sense. She is known around campus for her creativity, intelligence, and at times… her sassiness.

The “English College Professor Barbie” comes complete as shown above with her rocked out outfit, removable sunglasses, and a miniature version of her newly released book in hand.  

This is "Hooker Barbie." You will notice she comes complete with a see through skirt, and a top that allows prospects to see the bottom of her boobs. She leaves very little to the imagination.

This is "Las Vegas Show Girl Barbie." She comes complete with a thong, and scarf to cover he breasts. She also leaves very little to the imagination. She is ready to strut her stuff, and also transforms into "Hooker Barbie" at the end of the night! 

“Transgender Ken” or “Ken-dra” is a must have for any Barbie collector. Ken-dra helps the world recognize that people are different and that we do not have to follow others and appease society. Ken- dra comes complete with a stunning purple gown, sliver necklace, silver handbag, and removable purple glasses.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Media's Degradation

The media is one of the most influential things available today. Even if we try to avoid it, the media will sneak it's way into your life. Sometimes it can be a good influence on women, but most times it seems to bring them down. Here are some ads that almost make a mockery of women, and do not value them as a person, but as an item!

Who knows what Burger King was trying to do, but their point was not to attract women into their restaurants. The ad shows the female with her mouth wide open and the words "It'll blow" largely printed below her. This is one of the most ridiculous ads, that does not help the company, but instead adds more problems not only for the company, but also to society.


In the ever present world, men are becoming more likely to stay home and raise kids, while the women works to bring home the bacon. While that may be the case in some instances, this ad seems to think it is not a real option. Even if a women are the bread winner, they are still thought to cook, clean, and be superwoman.


Degrading women started years ago, and is continuing to this day! The image demonstrates how women were perceived as being weak, and unable to do minimal tasks.

I am afraid this Skyy vodka ad will give young girls the idea that alcohol makes you sexy and that is not the case!

These were just a few ads that companies put out to the public to bring women down. Even if that was not the intention, it is what they do. Women might feel inferior next to these ads, but they shouldn't. We are all powerful and do not need an ad to tell us how to look, act, or dress.